Throughout the Bible, we see the Father's love for children and desire for us to love Him with the hope, vibrancy, and open trust that children bring. Safe, supportive, and Gospel-steeped education shapes children into adults who can use their skills, creativity, and foundation of faith to serve their community.
Thank you for your continued prayers and support as our missionaries love, educate, and disciple young people to trust the Father who provides peace, unconditional love, and rest.
Our Missionaries
Jim and Susie Horne
Crossroads Fellowship | Mombasa, Kenya
Jim and Susie lead Crossroads Fellowship, a large multi-campus church in Mombasa, Kenya. They work to touch the lives of unreached people in southern Kenya by starting schools, feeding centers, churches, a Bible college, and digging wells in communities.
Georgey Varghese
New Life Ministries | Kolkata, India
Georgey runs and operates an evangelical Bible college in Kolkata, India, training national students for ministry. Because of his work, believers in India are receiving quality education and training in theology and disciple-making with the goal of starting a disciple-making movement in India.